Over the New Year I traveled to Kansas City, Missouri, for the Onething conference out of the International House of Prayer (IHOP) and the Abolition Summit (A conference geared towards those with a heart for seeing the end of modern day slavery and sex trafficking). The ten days I spent there absolutely ROCKED MY WORLD. If anyone has ever been to IHOP, they know how hard it is to describe the time you spend there. It is literally like waking up and having coffee, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and then a midnight snack with Jesus before going to bed. Because this blog is based around the James 1:27 mandate, I'm going to share just a small bit of what I learned of justice.
"Justice is a man and his name is JESUS." The words of Stuart Greaves at one of the morning sessions hit me like a ton of ROCKS as he went on to explain WHY social justice is not only unacceptable, but it is literally detrimental to the Bride of Christ in the coming age. Social justice offers no real hope. They may physically rescue men, women, and children out of their living night mares, but they will never be able to rescue them from the mental pain. As long as Jesus is left out of the equation and there is no contending with Him for healing of the heart and mind as well as the body, the excruciating pain will continue to manifest itself. God has been patient with the people of the world. He has waited and desperately pursued them in hopes of capturing their hearts with His love and turning them from their wicked ways, but He will not wait forever. There is a day coming when He will return to the Earth bringing swift justice to all who have not cried out to Him for mercy, but before He does this, an impostor will come seeking to steal away His people and deceive His bride. When this man comes, He will appear to have all the answers. He will be seemingly gentle and peaceful and will bring false hope to the world in its time of great crisis. When this man comes, the slaves who have been feigned a rescue by those who do not cry out to Jesus for healing for them, those who leave them to secular restoration after a life of demonic strongholds, will think they have found their answer. Social justice prepares the way in the hearts of the captives for the antichrist to make his grand entrance and drag them to hell. Many may claim this is a harsh statement, but while gentle and loving, Jesus never shied away from blunt truth. In the end, His ultimate goal is to see those He sacrificed His precious and perfect sinless life for come to the kingdom of heaven. If some people's feelings get bruised along the way, then so be it.
What makes the efforts of the church different than that of the social justice movement? Sometimes (all too unfortunately,) not that much. In order to break the strongholds over the lives of the oppressed, the church is called to cry out day and night to shift the atmosphere of the heavens in order to release in the Earth the freedom and justice that God the Father desires and intends for His children.
Matthew 18:18 Says: I tell you the truth whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
The bible makes it clear that we will never get anywhere, not in our efforts, not in the business of healing people inside and out, without a life dedicated to prayer. As the social justice movement grows, will the church step up to meet the tidal flood of "saved lives" with a warrior's cry and a prayer on their lips, or will they join hands with the ones who will ultimately see to the demise of those they are trying to save?
What makes the efforts of the church different than that of the social justice movement? Sometimes (all too unfortunately,) not that much. In order to break the strongholds over the lives of the oppressed, the church is called to cry out day and night to shift the atmosphere of the heavens in order to release in the Earth the freedom and justice that God the Father desires and intends for His children.
Matthew 18:18 Says: I tell you the truth whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
The bible makes it clear that we will never get anywhere, not in our efforts, not in the business of healing people inside and out, without a life dedicated to prayer. As the social justice movement grows, will the church step up to meet the tidal flood of "saved lives" with a warrior's cry and a prayer on their lips, or will they join hands with the ones who will ultimately see to the demise of those they are trying to save?