Thursday, August 14, 2014

When a dream is realized..Thoughts on Haiti

It's hard to believe that I have already been back from Haiti for nearly two months. As per usual, I promise to write updates about the various trips I take, and it either takes forever, or I don't post them at all. When you encounter times that are so life changing, sometimes it's pretty hard to put it into words. Sometimes words don't seem like enough, but mostly, it's just difficult to bare your heart when you know that people will never fully understand your experiences and the ways that it changed you. This post is my meager attempt to capture the fullness of my heart over my Haiti trip in mere words.

Before I left for Haiti, I was a nervous wreck. I was nervous about traveling alone, about being away from my husband, about being with a group of 25+ people that I had never met, and most importantly about whether or not I was really going to love this occupation that I had never really had any exposure to up until this point. I was excited about the trip, but the stress was truly eating at my joy. I felt more like I wanted to just get the whole experience over with than I wanted to actually enjoy it. I'm so glad that all of that melted away when I got there. I couldn't have been blessed with a greater group of people to spend my week with. People came together from all walks and stages of life, and gave up their time to change the lives of disabled kids in Haiti. That fact alone really amazed me and warmed my heart. The part of our trip that really touched me the most was our time at New Life. We spent three full days working in a large orphanage in Port-Au-Prince that had upwards of 30 children all with severe mental and physical special needs. The therapists took a handful of children each day and assessed their conditions, and came up with basic ways that the caretakers could help the children to achieve development goals, and also prevent physical conditions from worsening. Each day, the students were paired with a different therapist so they could get unique perspectives on the different disabilities, and how to help the children.

This trip was the most physically exhausting experience I have EVER had in my life. Each day I came home having soaked my shirt clean through with sweat, and covered in grime after being outside all day in 100 degree + heat. The humidity was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. It truly stretched my physical limits, but each day was such a blessing. No matter how hard physically, I came away each day blown away by the incredible path that I have been lead down. I have had a deeply seated peace for nearly three years now that occupational therapy is what God is calling me to do with my life. I have always wanted to use it to improve the lives of disabled and developmentally stunted children in orphanages. That dream just seems to fit so well with my life, and the passions the Lord has given me. I have watched Him blow doors open in my life at every turn in order for me to go to the amazing undergraduate school that I have been at, and I am completely confident that He will do the same when the time comes for me to apply to OT school next fall. Anyway, the point of all of this is that this Haiti trip was all of my dreams being realized at once. Everything that I am hoping to spend the rest of my life doing in a long-term setting came to fruition on that one trip, and I was so worried. And that was so dumb. I worried about what if I got there and I hated it, or at least didn't love it the way I had thought I would. To the contrary, this trip made me fall in love with OT because I got to see it in action. I got to see how God uses occupational therapy to tangibly change the lives of orphaned children and the people that interact with them on a daily basis, and it is incredible.

I think the thing that I took away from the trip was that God can truly couple some really unlikely passions and turn them into a beautiful thing, and when it comes to pass it is more awe-striking than anything that anyone can imagine. Haiti will forever have a piece of my heart for the joy that I felt when I encountered the culminations of my dreams there, and I truly hope to go back someday, and to spend more time loving on the dear friends that I made there.

A huge thanks to those who donated to my trip, and prayed for me. It will mean more than you could ever know. As I walk out the visions and dreams for my life, I will not forget your incredible kindness to me. G.O.T. orphans team, wow. Getting to meet each of you was awesome! I am so glad to know other people who have such a unique passion with which to change the world. I look forward to many more trips with you over the years.

Please enjoy a few pictures of some amazing kiddos I got to meet:

Love and Blessings,

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