Monday, July 12, 2010

Update Numero Dos

Hello friends!!!
This is my last update before I leave to spend time with
the precious babies at the Geiju orphanage for a WEEK! Since
we are going to be working eighteen hour days, I am hoping
that I will be able to update at least once while I am there,
but the pictures will have to come later. We are gonna be SWAMPED.
The team arrives tonight, and we are going to be leaving in the
early morning to drive to Geiju. The road is long and can be
dangerous, so please pray for our safety. We are beyond excited;
me especially, because I finally get to see the place that my sister
spent the first 21 months of her life.:)

This past week has been less than easy. With everyone jet lagging,
we have all been cranky and are still figuring out how to function all
together as one family without killing each other. It's a learning
process. I know that while a lot of it may not be pleasant, it is
necessary, and in the end I will grow from it.

A few prayer points:
- My visa, unlike the family I'm traveling with,
was only issued for thirty days. Please pray that
we can get it renewed without any problems from the

- Our schedule for Geiju is still up in the air even
though we are going to arrive less than 24 hours from now.
Pray for the right doors to be opened, and the wrong doors
to be shut.

- Supernatural grace for the team as they are flying in tonight
(having traveled more than thirty hours)to be able to do the
medical work they came to do.

- for our family to be at peace with each other even when there is
conflict or disagreement.

- For my family back in the states to be at peace while I'm
gone. I know they miss me. ;)

Thank you all so much for the love and support that
you have shown me. It means so much to me. I love you guys!!!

Hopefully another update will be coming your way soon.


1 comment:

Petrin Family said...


We are praying for all your requests. Look forward to the pics and safe travels sweetie!!
