Monday, July 5, 2010


Hannah's mom posting for Hannah here who has no facebook and no access to blogspot! Here's the update:

Greetings friends! I am happy to announce to you that i am
in Ch*na safe and sound and loving every moment of it!!:)
Thank you for your continued prayers and support; it is
greatly appreciated by all five of us. We have spent almost
one week together already!! My how the time is flying! I arrived
with absolutely no problems on Tuesday afternoon in MN and immediately
jumped into helping pack up the last of their things to move.
The next morning was moving day and thanks to some sweet friends,
we got everything moved to the new house within a matter of only
about three hours. The next day we spent finishing up some
final preparations for our trip, and resting. Our international
flights also went extremely smooth and nothing was lost so PTL!!
We are now here in Yunn*n and I am loving it!! We are all having
a difficult time getting on the right schedule. We all fell asleep
at 6 pm last night and woke up at 2!!! Needless to say, this time
adjustment hasn't been as easy for me this time as it was last, so please
pray that we would all get on schedule soon! My transition into
the family has gone extremely well, and for that I am so thankful!!
I ask that you would continue to lift us up and ask that
there would be a spirit of peace over the household for the next seven
weeks that we're here. I'm sitting on the ledge of the window
(don't WORRY mom! It's all glassed in!!!! :P) looking out over the
mountains and I can't help smiling because I'm finally back "home" again.
The people here are beautiful, and the land and the parks and gardens are
such a sight for sore eyes. I love it all; even the parts that
other people consider dirty. So far my favorite experience has been
taking little Mia out to the lake inside our compound to feed the fish
in the pond! We got to get so close to the waters' edge that the fish
were splashing us as they hungrily gobbled up the bagel we brought along
for them. We have a few more days to rest and get adjusted before our
first team comes in! I am so excited to go to the orphanage. Pray for us
that we would connect with the right people, and that we would all
have the wisdom to know when to speak. I will write more soon, and please
feel free to email me at kiddo13ster@gmail.comif you want to know anything else.
I love and miss you all and appreciate so much your continued
prayers and support.

Much love,

1 comment:

Lori :) said...

Glad you are safe and sound! Looking forward to more updates on your adventure!!!